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07. ITEC

The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology

Barcelona, Spain

07. ITEC

The Catalonia Institute of Construction Technology (ITeC) is a non-profit private foundation founded in 1978. Supporting innovation, ITeC generates and shares knowledge along with the provision of technological services, to improve the competitiveness of the construction sector’s stakeholders. 

As a non-profit private foundation, ITeC is at the service of society, working in the construction sector. Our goals as an organization in support of innovation are the generation and transfer of information and knowledge together with the provision of technological services to improve the competitiveness of the construction sector stakeholders: public and private companies, and independent professionals.  

The professional skill of our technicians, a board representing the majority of those involved in the sector and our status as a private non-profit making foundation make us independent and reliable. 

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Our MeZeroe vision

ITeC supports innovation, generates and transfers information and knowledge, and provides technological services that improve the competitiveness of the construction sector’s stakeholders. In the context of the MEZeroE project, the challenge we aim to overcome is the open upscaling of products from lab validation to higher TRLs, including paving the path toward product performance certification, in order to guarantee a successful market entry. Through MEZeroE, we would contribute to creating a fertile ecosystem in the shape of a multi-side virtual marketplace, open to exploiting cross-fertilization among stakeholders in the construction industry. 


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