Pilot Measurement & Verification Lines
At the heart of the ecosystem are what are best described as living labs. This means that people will be living in real buildings and will carefully monitor the impact of the materials used in the building envelopes on their lives. These individuals, who are currently being interviewed and recruited, will have the competence to assess, record, and discuss the biological impacts of specific materials. This means that stakeholders, including members of the building industry, will be able to measure via these test tables, what effect their innovations will have. And they’ll be able to do it after the materials have left the lab but before they have been industrialized. The ecosystem, with its focus on knowledge sharing, will allow the stakeholders to share their lessons learned with others.
The nine Pilot Measurement and Verification Lines (PM&VL)
On offer are the nine Pilot Measurement and Verification Lines (PM&VL) and three Open Innovation Services (OIS) listed below.
Advanced BIPV and hybrid PV/T systems characterization facing Efficiency and Safety requirements (TECNALIA) Test-chain for a comprehensive advanced BIPV and hybrid PV/T systems characterization
Building Envelope/IEQ for health requirements (EURAC). Test chain for in-depth analysis of energy requirements, comfort and indoor occupant behavior and performance.
Active energy component characterization facing Efficiency requirement (LEITAT) Test-chain for a comprehensive stability characterization of active envelope components for energy production.
isual and thermal performance analysis of dynamic glass systems facing Efficiency requirement (LEITAT) Testchain for testing of innovative dynamic glazing solutions and the definition of new measurements and validation protocols for the assessment of visual and thermal comfort
Building/user interaction characterization facing Efficiency requirement (DTU) Test-chain for building/user characterization for the optimization of the mutual behavioral control and interaction through IoT and AI solutions based on building envelope and users’ needs and corrections.
Multi-layer dry nEES characterization facing Healthy and Safety requirement (POLIMI) Test-chain for the comprehensive characterization of building envelope components on: thermal, acoustic and air resistance, coupled with accessibility in use and optimization of the structural performances of the nEES on life cycle focusing on mechanical behavior when exposed to accidental actions (e.g., wind) and/or extreme conditions (e.g., fire).
Mechanical resistance and stability characterization of connections/joints between component materials and supporting structures facing Safety requirement (CUT) Test-chain for durability characterization of block-walls
Solar gain control in semi-transparent envelope component, facing Healthy requirement (UIBK) Test-chain for thermal-optical characterization of advanced façade system
Wooden prefab components assessment line facing Safety requirement (ZAG) Test-chain for fire safety, hygrothermal, and acoustic characterization of wooden-based prefab façade systems.