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FOCCHI's Groundbreaking Multifunctional Façade Technology

FOCCHI's Groundbreaking Multifunctional Façade Technology

FOCCHI, a key member of the MEZeroE consortium, has made a significant leap in building technology with their latest publication in 'Applied Sciences - MDPI'. The paper, titled "Exploiting the value of active and multifunctional façade technology through the IoT and AI," authored by Giovanardi, M.; Baietta, A.; Belletti, F.; Magnani, S.; Casadei, O., and Pracucci, A., explores the integration of active and passive technologies in building façades. This integration, enhanced by IoT and AI, promises to transform building exteriors with improved environmental responsiveness and indoor environmental quality. The publication, part of a special issue on “Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Future Perspectives and Challenges,” emphasizes the potential of these multifunctional façades in market applications.  

For more details, visit the article here